Author: Cross Azure

КРОСС АЗУР funds Drone Training for the Heroes of Ukraine

КРОСС АЗУР funds Drone Training for the Heroes of Ukraine

CrossAzure Ukraine exists to serve the Ukrainian People in their heroic defense against the genocidal onslaught of the Russian Federation. To this end, we have made a grant of 6000 Euros, this December, toward the training of these brave men in the use of drones for reconnaissance. If you wish to help us serve the…

For the Neglected & Forgotten, Cross Azure is there!

For the Neglected & Forgotten, Cross Azure is there!

These photos were taken in the recently liberated Kharkiv and Donetsk oblasts, Ukraine. Hundreds of small villages like the ones seen below have been occupied by the Russian Federation forces for 7 months. During this time these people have experienced famine, thefts of personal items, and on the spot executions. Our volunteers delivered clothing, food,…

Save a life for $5 with life sustaining IV Fluid

Save a life for $5 with life sustaining IV Fluid

Cross Azure is honored and proud to be supporting a heroic band of US Military Veterans who travel into the highest risk zones distributing live saving medical supplies. They are currently distributing IV Fluid and related necessary supplies to save lives on the Ukrainian Front. — Ukraine has no blood supply, so many die because…

Donate a Truck to bring IV Fluid to wounded Ukrainians

Donate a Truck to bring IV Fluid to wounded Ukrainians

We are looking for a Truck(s) to bring IV Fluid and other essential life saving materials to hospitals and clinics on the Ukrainian Front. Transporting this material across borders requires that our Beneficent Organization own and operate the vehicle with our own volunteers. If you can donate such a vehicle as seen in this image,…

Saint Isaac, defender of Christians, pray for us!

Saint Isaac, defender of Christians, pray for us!

KPOCC A3YR (Cross Azure) was incorporated as a Ukrainian Beneficent Organization on May 30, 2022 A. D., the Feast of the great Saint and Monk, Isaac, Hegumen (Abbot) of the Dalmatin Monastery at Constantinople. He rebuked the heretical Arian emperor Valens and prophesied his defeat and death in war. He attended the Second council of…